Thursday, July 22, 2010

Little Miracles: Origins Spot Remover

This isn't a review as much as it's just a tip. My skin breaks out terribly, promptly before and during Aunt Flo's grand entrance. I get bombarded with a nasty zit or two. They're unpoppable (<---- not a real word) and painful. At times, they're even hard to conceal. I've found that, by nature, I just look hellish when I'm on my period.

I've tried different spot treatments in the past, many of them. I've never found one that I keep going back to. Burt's Bees isn't so bad, but it's unsanitary. It's a roller ball and I think that it doesn't make much sense to create an acne product with an applicator that comes in direct contact with the zit(s). Mind you, a product that gets used again and again.

Origins: Spot Remover (3 fl. oz.), $12.00 USD

Anyway, I've bought this once before and loved it. I passed by an Origins shop and decided to use it again -- with much success! You only need a small amount. I apply it to the affected area after I wash my face, before bedtime.

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