Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hug Me VS Jubilee

I just wanted to do a quick post featuring my two favorite nudes: MAC's 'Hug Me' and 'Jubilee'. Both of these shades are my perfect nudes. I'm very fair and my lips are pretty pigmented, so this is my kind of nude. They're darker than the more popular nude colors, (Myth, Peachstock, Freckletone, etc.), but this is good since it doesn't wash me out at all. They swatch a little similar, don't they? Both of these are Lustres, by the way.

'Hug Me'

(sorry, the lighting is a little off from the sun)

'Jubilee' on the left, 'Hug Me' on the right

They're both pinky-brown, but Hug Me is a little pinker. So, what do you think of Hug Me and Jubilee?


  1. I think I love peachstock and may have to try these 2 as well...

  2. Hello :)
    I'm fair too so i'm a bit scared of nudes but these sound pretty. Going to have to check them out!

  3. I've always loved Hug me - but never heard of Jubilee! Now I think Jubilee is even better after seeing the swatch x

  4. well, ofc I prefer more pink ones;) But I think colors like that look great on others!

  5. My lips are also pigmented and usual popular nudes wash me out :( I definitely try them on at MAC. Thanks.

  6. hug me was the first ever lipstick i bought and i think i love it for that reason :)

  7. It was my first lipstick too -- I guess it's true when they say you always remember your first haha

  8. Thanks for the tip. I usually prefer to do lips with a lip liner (which I use to fill IN the lip) and then gloss. My favorite two shades of MAC liner are Whirl for fair girls and Spice for anything darker than fair. I also think lip liner could be called lip FILLER, as that is what I think should be done with it. This way, when the lipstick or gloss wears off, the lip liner still leaves the lips looking not washed out.

    I am going to head to the MAC store and check out your suggestion !

    I like your blog too!

  9. My favorite lip liner of the moment is Subculture. It's actually very similar to Hug Me, so when my lipstick wears off, you can't really tell. I'll check out Whirl! And Dervish too... it just looks so pretty.

  10. Hi Katie, I tried to leave a comment on your Dry Skin Post but didn't allow me?? I'm pleased you found the one(baby cream)! I was also looking at Calendula Baby cream the other day but Weleda's. Today I bought it inspired by your post, as I cannot get Califiornia Baby's one here in Ireland. I have a small mention about your great blog on my today's blog, hope you don't mind :)

  11. Thanks for the shout out!! I have Weleda too, but it's an all over body lotion -- make sure you have the cream and that it's non-comedogenic. Weleda is actually a European brand that they happen to sell in the US too (at Target). I'll be honest though, I wasn't that crazy about Weleda (but then again, I never tried their cream). If you got the cream, let me know what you think of it!

    Oh, and I looked it up for you, California baby does ship internationally. In order to get rates, you have to actually put something in your cart and they'll tell you how much it is once you input your address. I'm guessing it'll be kind of expensive and not worth it though. Good luck! =)

    Here's the link:

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