Monday, November 1, 2010

My Halloween and blog stuff!

Hello, beautiful people! How was your Halloween? Did you dress up or do anything? I had every intention of dressing up, but I just didn't have time. Yesterday was a very busy day for me. I had house work, house work, house work up until 3 pm, then had to get my daughter fed, bathed, and into her costume so we could goto my mother in law's for a get together. I will say that for the sake of festivities, I put on some extra eye makeup. I thought I looked like a hooker. Wasn't happy about that. Anyway, we had some family over and Kristen's little cousin, Dino, who is five months old. We took them for a little trick or treating. It was a lot of fun! Kristen ended up being a butterfly. A cute butterfly, I might add!

Kristen from this morning, haha

Anyway, I decided to start a new series on this blog. I don't want to tell you what it is yet, but I'm hoping that you'll like it! First post will be up later on today. Enjoy your Monday! Or at least try to... hahah.


  1. Kristen is super cute! She's got your eyes? I don't think Halloween here (Ireland) isn't as big as US, we had kids calling in but I didn't do anything special. Did you take your photo yesterday? I wonder what your new series will be? Looking forward to find it out. :) x

  2. Thanks! We have a good amount of trick or treaters at my mother in law's this year. Still, Halloween isn't as crazy as it used to be when I was a kid. I think it's because parents are nervous since there's a lot of creeps and weirdos out there!

  3. Awww Kirsten is soo cute!!! I'm 13 so of cource I had to go trick or treating! I went as a cat and it was so much fun! Lovely post! xx

  4. I'm glad you had fun and I bet your costume was cute! My friend was a cat one year and her tail kept falling off the entire time, but it was definitely a good time.
